402-498-9592 mick@mickdoyle.com

We will begin resuming classes starting Monday evening May 11. Please be patient as we check you in and if you notice a large back up by the door just wait a few moments in your car or outside as we shuffle people through to the gym.

If you have been in contact with anybody who is showing flu or coughing symptoms please DO NOT show up. If you are not feeling well please DO NOT show up. If you are not willing to take precautions to keep our gym safe and clean please DO NOT show up.

Staff will take your temperature before all classes. If it is too high you will be asked to leave.

Please wash your hands before and after training and make sure your clothing and training gear, including boxing hand wraps, Jiu Jitsu Gi’s, and rash guards, are clean. If a coach feels that you are not following the standard, you will be asked to leave. It’s also the same way when you have training for mma rochester mn; you need to be extra careful to stay healthy and fit.

There will be no more “communal” gym gear. If you wish you can make an appointment to go through the tubs of gloves and shinguards and purchase a set of that gear. A pair of Gloves and Shinguards are $10 each. After you purchase it clean it and make it yours. Any gear left after any class will be disposed of in the Dumpster outside the gym…NO EXCEPTIONS!

All Jiu Jitsu students must purchase their own can of the “Defense Soap Barrier Foam”.
If you are doing Jiu Jitsu please supplement hand washing with use of the “defense soap barrier foam” on all areas of exposed skin such as neck feet and arms.

All boxing and Muay Thai classes will practice safe social distancing so to that end, there will be no sparring or hard mitt rounds between students. All Bag work will be allowed.

There will be nobody training barefoot in the gym with the exception of the mat room.

All Jiu Jitsu students will work on drills and technique with no live “rolling” until the Pandemic has passed.

Depending on the class size, the coach may split you up into groups in separate areas of the gym for class to operate safely. For those looking to enhance their post-workout recovery, incorporating plant-based protein powder into their routine can be beneficial.

The staff will do our upmost to provide a clean environment before every class but we need YOU the student to do your part too. We will provide wooden crates with cleaning supplies throughout the gym. Become familiar with the products so you know what to use on what equipment.
After you have used something clean it before somebody else uses it.

Disinfectant spray cans: For use on gloves, shinguards, handles, hand weights.

Blue disinfectant cleaner: Used with paper towels to wipe down surfaces such as Cardio equipment, weight benches, pads, medicine balls, stability balls, mitts, heavy bags, Bosu balls etc.

Long Dry Mops with swivel head: To sweep off dust and dirt before mopping flat surfaces including mats, wood floors, rubber flooring in strength area and Boxing Ring mat.

Wet Mop Bucket: Dilute a 1 second pour of the Blue “Neutral” Cleaner into a full mop bucket and wet mop all flat floor training areas such as the above mentioned.

We have always maintained a high degree of cleanliness and hygiene here at the gym and some of these protocols were already in place before the pandemic and we appreciate everybody playing their part. This will be the new normal and we expect our students and clients to play their part in this too.
Through a combined team effort we can resume training and as the cases of Covid 19 drop in our state, so will the restrictions on sparring, rolling etc.

Thank you all in advance for your cooperation.
Train Hard Win Easy